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Tianjin brothers Hydraulic Machinery Manufacturing Co.
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brick making machine
Specification: XD-Y300
Detail: Explanation of production 300: It¨s the special brick machine ,wheich is portal shaped steel structure. Pressurizing method is downward shife and the maximal pressure is 300T, which can press bricks for slope protetion,...
brick machine
Specification: XD-Y200
Detail: Explanation of production 200: It¨s the special brick machine, which is portal shaped steel structure. Pressurizing method is downward shift and the maximal pressure is 150T, which can press bricks for slope protecti...
brick making machine
Specification: XD-Y1500A
Detail: Explanation of production: 1. The equipment is joltsqueeze shaping brick machine. 2. It realized the merit of shaping several bricks once. 3. It is auto feed,and realized roboticized feeding and preeing. ...
brick machine
Specification: XD-Y2000A
Detail: Explanation of production: 1、The equipment is joltsqueeze shaping brick machine. 2、It realized the merit of shaping several bricks once. 3、It is auto feed, and realized roboticized feeding and pressing....
brick making machine
Specification: XD-Y1000A
Detail: Explanation of production: 1、The equipment is four post joltsqueeze shaping brick machine. 2、It realized the merit of shaping several bricks once. 3、It is auto carry plate, come out plate,aggregateand f...
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